Talk about a rare opportunity! Units at the Malibu complex hardly ever come available. And this one has been beautifully updated. The condo at the Lakes that you have been dreaming about can now become a reality. The kitchen island is the perfect place to gather with friends and family. From the deck you can see beautiful East Lake Okoboji. The location is great- just a short walk or drive to the boat ramp, restaurants and shops. All of this and you have two private garage spaces for storage of all of the lake toys. You'll be surprised at how much of your wish list this home fulfills.
Legal: UNIT 12 & GARAGE 12G MALIBU CONDOMIUNIUM, OKOBOJI, DCI. (Exact legal per Abstract.)
1103 Sanborn Avenue #12 (MLS # 250037) is a property located in Okoboji, IA. MLS# 250037 is a Residential Other which has 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, is 960 sqft and listed with a price $359,000 on 1103 Sanborn Avenue #12 is situated in the area of the Iowa Great Lakes located in Northwest IA. Find detailed information about 1103 Sanborn Avenue #12, Okoboji, IA 51355 including interior & exterior features, photos, as well as community and market stats for Okoboji, IA. Contact RE/MAX Lakes Realty at to receive personalized Okoboji, IA real estate service. He will provide you information and key facts based on years of knowledge and experience, about 1103 Sanborn Avenue #12, Okoboji, IA 51355. RE/MAX Lakes Realty will also provide you with a comparative market analysis (CMA) for similar homes for Sale in Okoboji, IA. Explore 46 more homes for Sale in Okoboji as well as 46 more properties for Sale in 51355 using MLS Search of off lake homes for East Lake, West Lake, and Big Spirit Lake..