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Showing results 1 to 415 of 415

822 2nd Avenue Spencer IA , 51301

241010 MLS#
N/A Baths
N/A Beds
5850 Sqft
$18,900 Price
Northwest Iowa Realty, Cristy Jones (712.580.4692)

300 1ST Avenue Armstrong IA , 50514

240920 MLS#
1 Baths
2 Beds
1096 Sqft
$17,500 Price
EXIT Realty Midwest- Spencer/Emmetsburg, Dana Reinders (712.580.3948)

Week 20 Unit 7G Sunrise Cove Spirit Lake IA , 51360

180714 MLS#
2 Baths
1 Beds
855 Sqft
$9,000 Price
Hinn Real Estate, Kathy Determan (712.336.1240)

00 Week 31 Sunrise Cove, VW #L7A & L7B Spirit Lake IA , 51360

190827 MLS#
2 Baths
2 Beds
1345 Sqft
$7,500 Price
Hinn Real Estate, Rhonda Wedeking (712.336.1240)

20785 170th #621/Week 4 Spirit Lake IA , 51360

231377 MLS#
2 Baths
1 Beds
684 Sqft
$1,000 Price
Hinn Real Estate, Grace Hinn (712.336.1240)

Week 52 Unit 410 Village West Spirit Lake IA , 51360

200121 MLS#
1 Baths
1 Beds
342 Sqft
$500 Price
Hinn Real Estate, Kathy Determan (712.336.1240)

Sunrise Cove Week 27 #L14A and L14B Spirit Lake IA , 51360

240393 MLS#
4 Baths
4 Beds
1080 Sqft
$1 Price
Hinn Real Estate, Kathy Determan (712.336.1240)

Week 42 Sunrise Cove, Village West #103X Spirit Lake IA , 51360

220639 MLS#
1 Baths
1 Beds
662 Sqft
N/A Price
Hinn Real Estate, Heather King (712.336.1240)

20785 170th Street Spirit Lake IA , 51360

230112 MLS#
1 Baths
2 Beds
342 Sqft
N/A Price
Hinn Real Estate, Lezlie Boetel Pohlman (712.336.1240)

20785 170th Street #624 Spirit Lake IA , 51360

230189 MLS#
2 Baths
1 Beds
684 Sqft
N/A Price
Hinn Real Estate, Rhonda Wedeking (712.336.1240)

20785 170th Street #Unit 10K-Wk 19 Spirit Lake IA , 51360

240036 MLS#
2 Baths
2 Beds
855 Sqft
N/A Price
Hinn Real Estate, Lezlie Boetel Pohlman (712.336.1240)

20785 170th Street #624/622 Spirit Lake IA , 51360

240045 MLS#
2 Baths
2 Beds
684 Sqft
N/A Price
Hinn Real Estate, Kathy Determan (712.336.1240)

416 Main Street Lake View IA , 51450

240050 MLS#
N/A Baths
N/A Beds
N/A Sqft
N/A Price
Hometown Realty, Kelly Bierl (712.260.5711)

20785 170th Avenue #Unit 514X, Wk35 Spirit Lake IA , 51360

240225 MLS#
2 Baths
2 Beds
684 Sqft
N/A Price
Hinn Real Estate, Lezlie Boetel Pohlman (712.336.1240)

20785 170th Ave. #509 Wk 18 Spirit Lake IA , 51360

240262 MLS#
1 Baths
1 Beds
342 Sqft
N/A Price
Hinn Real Estate, Lezlie Boetel Pohlman (712.336.1240)


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