51334 Homes for Sale

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1663 365th Avenue Estherville IA , 51334

240257 MLS#
N/A Baths
N/A Beds
29208 Sqft
$28,000 Price
EXIT Realty Midwest, Tammy Fredericksen (712.336.3405)

1221 5th Avenue Estherville IA , 51334

241261 MLS#
N/A Baths
N/A Beds
12540 Sqft
$27,000 Price
Keller Williams Okoboji, Tonya Vakulskas (712.340.7900)

1648 365th Avenue Estherville IA , 51334

240249 MLS#
N/A Baths
N/A Beds
18102 Sqft
$26,000 Price
EXIT Realty Midwest, Tammy Fredericksen (712.336.3405)
Price Decreased

1665 365th Avenue Estherville IA , 51334

240250 MLS#
N/A Baths
N/A Beds
17524 Sqft
$26,000 Price
EXIT Realty Midwest, Tammy Fredericksen (712.336.3405)

1667 365th Avenue Estherville IA , 51334

240251 MLS#
N/A Baths
N/A Beds
16343 Sqft
$26,000 Price
EXIT Realty Midwest, Tammy Fredericksen (712.336.3405)

109 2nd Avenue Estherville IA , 51334

240969 MLS#
N/A Baths
N/A Beds
8712 Sqft
$25,000 Price
Clarken REALTORS®, Edith Clarken (712.362.4332) & Clarken REALTORS®, Mike Clarken (712.362.4332)

1634 365th Avenue Estherville IA , 51334

240248 MLS#
N/A Baths
N/A Beds
16523 Sqft
$24,000 Price
EXIT Realty Midwest, Tammy Fredericksen (712.336.3405)

1636 365th Avenue Estherville IA , 51334

240245 MLS#
N/A Baths
N/A Beds
14979 Sqft
$22,000 Price
EXIT Realty Midwest, Tammy Fredericksen (712.336.3405)

1671 365th Avenue Estherville IA , 51334

240230 MLS#
N/A Baths
N/A Beds
14915 Sqft
$21,000 Price
EXIT Realty Midwest, Tammy Fredericksen (712.336.3405)

1675 365th Avenue Estherville IA , 51334

240233 MLS#
N/A Baths
N/A Beds
12921 Sqft
$21,000 Price
EXIT Realty Midwest, Tammy Fredericksen (712.336.3405)

1673 365th Avenue Estherville IA , 51334

240234 MLS#
N/A Baths
N/A Beds
13406 Sqft
$21,000 Price
EXIT Realty Midwest, Tammy Fredericksen (712.336.3405)

1621 365th Avenue Estherville IA , 51334

240237 MLS#
N/A Baths
N/A Beds
16443 Sqft
$21,000 Price
EXIT Realty Midwest, Tammy Fredericksen (712.336.3405)

1618 365th Avenue Estherville IA , 51334

240240 MLS#
N/A Baths
N/A Beds
19403 Sqft
$21,000 Price
EXIT Realty Midwest, Tammy Fredericksen (712.336.3405)

1656 365th Avenue Estherville IA , 51334

240241 MLS#
N/A Baths
N/A Beds
18448 Sqft
$21,000 Price
EXIT Realty Midwest, Tammy Fredericksen (712.336.3405)

1646 365th Avenue Estherville IA , 51334

240242 MLS#
N/A Baths
N/A Beds
15058 Sqft
$21,000 Price
EXIT Realty Midwest, Tammy Fredericksen (712.336.3405)

1644 365th Avenue Estherville IA , 51334

240243 MLS#
N/A Baths
N/A Beds
15493 Sqft
$21,000 Price
EXIT Realty Midwest, Tammy Fredericksen (712.336.3405)

1642 365th Avenue Estherville IA , 51334

240244 MLS#
N/A Baths
N/A Beds
16432 Sqft
$21,000 Price
EXIT Realty Midwest, Tammy Fredericksen (712.336.3405)

1669 365th Avenue Estherville IA , 51334

240246 MLS#
N/A Baths
N/A Beds
13785 Sqft
$21,000 Price
EXIT Realty Midwest, Tammy Fredericksen (712.336.3405)

1640 365th Avenue Estherville IA , 51334

240231 MLS#
N/A Baths
N/A Beds
16628 Sqft
$20,000 Price
EXIT Realty Midwest, Tammy Fredericksen (712.336.3405)

1633 365th Avenue Estherville IA , 51334

240235 MLS#
N/A Baths
N/A Beds
15809 Sqft
$20,000 Price
EXIT Realty Midwest, Tammy Fredericksen (712.336.3405)


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